Dear Alumni and Friends:
It is hard to believe that we are already in October! This past Wednesday, we completed the first quarter of school. And while we as a community have accomplished several of our goals for this year, I know there are even greater things to come.
Recently several Firehawks received state awards and honors for their artistic, academic and athletic endeavors. I want to offer each of them a heartfelt congratulations for their hard work and perseverance and share their accomplishments with you.
JD Rodgers, junior, was selected for the Central Oklahoma Choral Director’s Association All-Region Honor Choir for the 3rd straight year. The All-Region Choir concert will be at Southern Hills Baptist Church on November 1.
Imani Carr, senior, was awarded College Board’s National African American Recognition Award. The College Board’s National African American Recognition Program is an academic honor for academically exceptional African American students who have scored in the top 10 percent of the state on the PSAT or earned a score of 3 or higher on two or more AP exams by their junior year.
Three students from Hardin Fine Arts Academy auditioned for the North Central Honor Orchestra, and Rachel Graham, junior, received 5th chair in Violin II.
The competitive drama team won Second Place at the Regional One-Act Play Competition and will advance to State Competition. Three students (Cayden Ball, senior, Imani Carr, senior, and Gracelyn Tramba, junior) were awarded All-Star Actor. All students in the competition are eligible for this award and only ten are given during the competition.
The HFAA Martial Arts Team earned 12 gold, 6 silver, and 8 bronze medals at their meet earlier this month. Please congratulate the following students on their accomplishments: Ian Blake, sophomore (2 silvers), Bertha Cedillos, sophomore (1 gold), Paige Dhaenens, senior (1 gold and 1 bronze), Elizha Durham, sophomore (1 gold and 1 silver), Troy Eades, junior (2 silvers), Jack Early, junior (2 golds), Cheryl Haubrich, freshman (1 silver), William Lange, junior (3 golds), Xavier Parrott, sophomore (1 gold and 2 bronze), Adrianna Mascote, junior (2 golds and 1 bronze), Inara Shafer, sophomore (1 gold 1 bronze), and Christopher Solorzano, sophomore (3 bronze),
The new Youth and Government (Y&G) Club attended the annual YMCA Youth and Government Changemaker Kick-off Retreat. The state-wide program provides students with a hands-on opportunity to learn about the government processes. At the retreat, students learned about mock trial, legislative work, lobbying, and media relations. They are excited to take what they have learned and apply it their student organization’s program this year.
Way to go Firehawks – we are all very proud of you!

Taylor C. Stanton
Harding Fine Arts Academy